On December 20, 1979 I kissed my wife and two little daughters goodbye and walked across my newly frozen lawn to climb into my burgundy colored Dodge dart. Little did I know those would be the last few steps I would ever take. Two hours later my car was crushed by a tire that broke […]
How to Be Grateful–A Thanksgiving Message
If you just look at your FaceBook page you’ll see everyone trying to live a more grateful life. Individuals will make a commitment to post for 5 or 30 days something that they are truly grateful for in their lives. Does this help them to live a more grateful life which is what we believe […]
The post How to Be Grateful~A Thanksgiving Message appeared first on FamilyAffaires.com.
Dan is back, and as usual, with gratitude for a rusty body that’s still working
I’ve known for many years that my body is vulnerable. And as I age, it’s more vulnerable. You see, 68 years of life combined with 35 years of quadriplegia, would have anyone’s body compromised and vulnerable. Nevertheless, most systems in my body look pretty good considering… even my heart. That heart that beats so slowly […]
FamilyAffaires.com: Mindfulness, as practiced by Dan Gottlieb
In this video blog interview for FamilyAffaires.com, Dan discusses his own experiences practicing mindfulness, which he believes has guided his own journey since he was very young. Watch the video in the player below, or visit the FamilyAffaires.com page for this video.
A birthday celebration mixed with gratitude for life and love
Yesterday was my 68th birthday. It’s amazing that I have lived this long with this disability that is so devastating to my body. As I practiced my meditation yesterday morning I experienced my breath as though it was my first. I can’t stop thinking about how precious and fragile this life is and how fortunate […]