When a couple announces they are going to divorce, the first question that comes to everyone’s mind is, “who is cheating on who” or “who is having an affair”? If only the reasons for divorce were so simple.
Today, FamilyAffaires.com Community Advocate & Family Expert, Roseann Vanella interviews FamilyAffaires.com Contributor & Psychologist Dr. Dan Gottlieb about how and why affairs start and if an extramarital affair is the cause for divorce.
Dr. Dan engages couples in couples counseling and in his opinion marital therapy has the worst prognosis. The reason being, that most couples wait for an average of 6 years after there is trouble in the marriage to start couples counseling. By this point there has been too much damage in the relationship to be able to repair it.
According to Dr. Dan extramarital affairs are unconsciously planned. They begin after a long time of one party not feeling heard or seen by the other, or by feeling disrespected in the relationship. Another sign of a pending extramarital affair maybe when one party says they are “bored” in the relationship or they love but are not in love with their partner.
Learn more as you listen and find out if a marriage can survive and extramarital affair and how to prevent it from happening.
The post Does an Extramarital Affair Cause Divorce? appeared first on FamilyAffaires.com.
A book has been written called Cupid’s Broken Arrow – the telltale signs of a doomed relationship and it deals with what to look out for BEFORE a relationship ends. It is based on the author’s experience of his wife Daisy Divoka, a solicitor from Milton Keynes in England, who had an affair with another solicitor Daniel Belsham for almost a year shortly after she was married. It also shows how she was caught out and guides you to seeing the signs of your relationship possibly failing before it does. Full details are at http://www.cupidsbrokenarrow.co.uk.